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​Founder & Director

As a survivor of three separate rapes, a therapist who has treated PTSD for twenty five years, a single mother who has raised three children, a writer, film-maker, speaker and visionary, Andrea brings her passion for words and her love for this fallible species we are, into a model that speaks to a possibility for a life that comes AFTER. She designed, offered and taught the first technical solar energy courses for women in the United States. In 1996, she was commissioned by Bridgewater State Prison to speak to two hundred (200) convicted rapists about sexual assault. Currently Andrea is in the process of filming a documentary under the working title of: ‘LIVING AFTER RAPE’. Most recently Andrea was the keynote speaker for Slutwalk DC. Her ‘Join the Conversation’ (cause) was featured at this event. After the rally, march, her Keynote address, and several other speakers, Andrea and her team filmed many hours of interviews for the documentary 'Living After Rape'.

Andrea will be traveling to several locales to speak and film over the next period of time.

© Dancing a​ll Alone - Copyright David Frank 2012​

Performed by Griffith Frank





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© Copyright 2012  Andrea Bredbeck

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